Delma Jackson III

It’s freedom for everybody, or it’s freedom for nobody.— Malcolm X
From workshops and lectures, to blogging, podcasting and occasionally pastoring, Delma challenges the narrative of the dominant culture by centering storytelling through various modalities.
Delma brings an intersectional approach to social justice work with an eye for organizational transformation. He invites vulnerability, critical analysis and introspection as a vehicle for liberation. He guides organizational cultures toward greater value-based visioning rooted in dialog, transparency, grace, humor and compassion.
His areas of expertise include:
- Conveying information and holding conversations on the role of multiple institutions in the development and maintenance of white supremacy.
- Introducing practices into organizations designed to increase transparency and sustainability while holding difficult conversations regarding justice and equity.
- Strategic planning related to greater community engagement at the intersection of environment and racial justice.
- Senior Fellow at the Center for Whole Communities.
- Multiple publications related to a variety of social justice topics.
- Over twenty years working with a variety of community-based organizations, including philanthropic, HIV education, faith-based, city government and environmental.
- Over fifteen years of racial, social and environmental research, lecturing, writing and facilitating across the U.S. and internationally.
Delma has a bachelor’s degree in African American Studies from Eastern Michigan University and a master’s degree in Liberal Arts with a concentration in American culture from the University of Michigan.